POCD, or Pedophilia Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a subtype of OCD. POCD refers to difficult and disturbing intrusive thoughts regarding children. Both men and women can have these difficult thoughts. People living with POCD have no desire to harm a child, yet they’re tormented by thoughts of doing so. Having this subtype can lead the
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, OCD, is exponentially growing mental illness, which is characterized by unwanted, repetitive thought, fear, urges, mental images or impulse. This leads to patients engaging in unreasonable and irrational rituals. OCD patients are either having an obsession, compulsion or both, they constantly have thoughts and fears which makes them check if doors are
Do you have a child acting strangely lately? Or perhaps you think it an obsessive-compulsive disorder? Don’t feel sad about it. Statistics show that for every 100 American children there is a child with obsessive-compulsive disorder symptoms. Many parents form the habit of blaming children for their conduct in response to these intrusive thoughts.
According to Baer, in 1994, Obsessive Compulsion disorder is an overall syndrome with three main sub-syndrome – the obsessive-compulsion, responsibility O-C, and Pure-O. Patients that feeling anxious, which emerges in response to the uncontrollable intrusive thought, urge, or mental image in our minds. Our rituals such as frequent hand washing is an attempt to avoid
The obsessive-compulsive disorder appears to be rapid affecting kids and teens more compared to a few years back. For every 200 kids, you pick there is a tendency of a kid with suffering from an obsessive-compulsive disorder. It’s okay for kids to have thoughts, fears, worries, and impulses, however when these thoughts are unwanted and
Did you recently found out one your kid has obsessive-compulsive disorder? Or you just notice he or she has been acting strangely lately? You wonder what OCD means or how you could help. Many parents usually blame themselves because their kids have been diagnosed with OCD. They think it all because of their lack of
Are you stuck counting numbers over and over again? Scared of touching germs or dirt? Do you have thoughts that make you feel anxious or scared? These can be normal with no mental illness associated with it, however, it can also be as a result of an extremely severe mental illness like Obsessive-compulsive disorder. How
OCD is an acronym for OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE DISORDER , it is a mental illness which seems to start to affect millions over the world. BBC Health reports that in the United States one out of every 50 American adults and 100 children has this mental illness. This disorder makes the patient feel angry, scared, afraid or